Sleep: A (very) short history

1953 sounds like a long time ago, but in the evolution of science it’s a blink of an eye. In April, 1953 Watson and Crick published their famous paper on the structure of DNA in Nature Magazine. It would revolutionize  modern medicine, not to mention forensic and other sciences.

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The trouble with sleep watches

Sleep watches, actigraphs and fitness trackers all have different names and different brands, but all claim to do the same thing — measure sleep. In 1973 (the year the very first cell phone call was made) Daniel Kripke, at the University of California San Diego, created the first actigraph

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It’s easier to get to China than to get home.

With teams from the NFL and NHL travelling overseas for games this year we thought we would answer some of the questions we often receive. What is jet lag? Jet lag is often considered a temporary “sleep issue”, however, it is much more than that. It is a combination

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